About Us
The right to have your voice heard and to participate in making decisions that affect you is a fundamental principle in a democratic society. It is a principle simply stated as "Nothing about you /without you".
Sage is the National Advocacy Service for Older People. It also supports vulnerable adults and healthcare patients in certain situations where no other service is available. It responds according to a person’s needs with Information – Support – Advocacy – Safeguarding and often a combination of all these approaches. It also identifies, analyses and highlights issues which require systems changes through Systemic Advocacy.
An Independent Voice
Sage Advocacy ensures that a person’s voice is heard, that their wishes are taken into account and that they are assisted, in whatever ways necessary, to be involved in decisions that affect them. Sage’s work is independent of family members, service providers and systems interests. We are publicly funded and while we collaborate where possible, we challenge where necessary.
Quality Standards & Guiding Principles
Sage’s work is guided by Quality Standards for Support & Advocacy Services for Older People, the Guiding Principles of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Acts and the Code of Practice for Independent Advocates of the Decision Support Service. Detailed service policies and guidelines are regularly reviewed in the context of experience. A Case Management Group oversees complex casework issues supported by in-house legal advisers and external expertise when required.
Six Quality Standards guide the work of Sage Advocacy
The Sage Advocacy approach at all times reflects the six quality standards outlined in the Quality Standards for Support and Advocacy Work with Older People which can be applied generally to support and advocacy work with all vulnerable adults and healthcare patients.
Reflecting the right of every person to be treated with dignity and respect, including each individual’s right to privacy, confidentiality and self-determination.
Social Justice
Promoting equal treatment with other people in respect of access to basic goods, services and protections and a positive affirmation of social solidarity.
Competence and Compassion
Demonstrating high levels of skill, competency, compassion and consistency on the part of advocates.
Available in a manner that is convenient and easily accessible to people who require support.
Structurally, operationally and psychologically independent from health and social care service providers and representing only the will and preferences of people receiving support.
Acting with integrity and responsibility and engaging with people who use the service and with other stakeholders in an honest and transparent manner.