Forty Shades of Grey
Forty Shades of Grey – Commission on Care

Seminar to Plan Submission – 29 February, 2024
The Forty Shades of Grey seminar on Responding to the Challenges and Opportunities of an Ageing Society and Economy, was attended by invited guests including age sector leaders, academics, HSE chiefs, medics and current and former politicians including iar-Thaoisigh Brian Cowen and Enda Kenny. It was set up to explore perspectives on an ageing Ireland across themes of Society (Dr Jerry Cowley as speaker), Economy (Cliff Taylor), Law (Patricia Rickard-Clarke), Housing (Tom Grey) and Politics (Róisín Shortall TD, Chair Sláintecare Committee).
With thematic discussions moderated by Dr Ann Coyle; and a focused session for facilitated discussion groups to gather up ‘Messages for the Commission on Care’ – the feedback from the event will be prepared for formal submission to the Professor Alan Barrett-chaired independent Commission.
Choice Matters
Choice Matters, published by Sage Advocacy, examines how the “dangerous architecture” on which the current system of care in congregated settings for older people is built, presented major difficulties in responding to the challenges of Covid-19. The report also highlights key long-term care issues in Ireland and provides a policy action framework for an alternative model of long-term support and care, which could be progressed through the Government’s Commission on Care for Older People.
Red C Poll
In planning for the Commission on Care, Sage Advocacy released the results of a RED C poll that set out to gauge public opinion on issues relating to support and care for older people. Click the image to view our infographic summary. The full results are also linked below.
The Commission
Professor Alan Barrett
Dr Emer Ahern
Dr Jonathan Cylus
Dr Lucinda Dockeray
Ita Healy
Professor Mary McCarron
Catherine McGuigan
Seán Moynihan
Professor Christopher Nugent
Professor Eamonn O’Shea
Cathy Reynolds
Professor David Smith