Support to Survivors of Institutional abuse

Did you ever spend time in an institution?

Industrial School – Reformatory– Magdalene Laundry –
County Home – Mother & Baby Home

Sage Advocacy is here to provide:


Sage Advocacy will act on your behalf: independent of family members, service providers, churches or state agencies

Images of all different people - of many ages and backgrounds. People across many decades and communities have survived institutional abuse in Ireland


  • Have your say on the thingsthat affect your life
  • Make your own decisions
  • Have your wishes genuinely considered
  • Maintain maximum control over your affairs (financial, living situation and health care)
  • Understand and explore your options and choices
  • Have your rights upheld when dealing with public bodies
  • Fill forms and make online applications for services
  • Deal with times of significant change in your life
  • Access support services in accordance with your individual needs
  • Make a complaint.

If you are having trouble with any of the things below – or if it’s something a bit different that you are dealing with – contact Sage Advocacy for support.

Housing needs

Financial abuse

Confused about money matters

Addiction issues

Home adaptations

Health issues

Loneliness or isolation

Coming to terms with abuse

Social welfare issues

Migrating or moving back home

Difficulty dealing with forms

Home care and nursing home issues

Information about legal issues

Where many people have the same issuewe will try to change the system causing the problem.

Sage Advocacy has been grant aided by the Department of Education to develop its information, support and advocacy services for survivors of institutional abuse