Timeline of legislative, policy and institutional developments

* Health Act established regional structures to replace country-based structures.
* The years ahead: a policy for the elderly: report of the Working Party on Services for the Elderly.
* Nursing Homes designated as industrial buildings for tax purposes reinforcing a bias towards care in congregated care settings.
* Creation of the HSE and abolition of Health Boards. * Leas Cross Nursing Home Scandal * Portlaoise Hospital Enquiry report by HIQA recommends establishment of a Patient Advocacy Service
* Legislation re personal advocates Citizens Information Board Act 2007 Section 5 (never commenced)
* Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) legislation first suggested.
* Nursing Home Support Scheme Act. * HIQA established under the Health Act 2007. Commencement Order SI 226 of 2007 and commencement May 2007 * System of tax incentives for nursing homes ended.
* National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities established by Citizens Information Board.
* Law Reform Commission publish a draft Health (Professional Home Care) Bill.
* National Positive Ageing Strategy published by Dept of Health.
* Sage – Support & Advocacy Service for Older People established by HSE and The Atlantic Philanthropies. * National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities established by Comhairle (Dept of Social protection) * Aras Attracta scandal
* Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act passed. * Safeguarding Ireland established * HIQA report on Portlaoise Hospital recommends establishment of an independent patient advocacy service
* ‘Grace’ case exposed.
* Sláintecare Report. * Adult Safeguarding Bill 2017 receives all party support (provision for independent advocate) * Draft Heads of Bill published to protect the liberties of people in places of care
* Dept of Health establishes Patient Advocacy Service focused on complaints in hospitals. This service was extended to nursing homes in 2023 and may be extended to mental health services.
* The ‘Emily’ case involved a serious sexual assault on a resident at a HSE community nursing unit in April 2020. It led to initiation of the McIlroy Adult Safeguarding Review. This highlighted the need for transformational change in adult safeguarding procedures and culture. * “Brandon” report by the National Independent Review Panel (NIRP) published. It found “Brandon” – a pseudonym for the former resident – had perpetrated at least 108 sexual assaults on upwards of 18 intellectually disabled adults, most of them non-verbal, between 2003 and 2016.
* Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Act 2022 enacted. * Draft Regulations for Home Care Providers published by Dept of Health.
* Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Acts (2015 & 2022) commenced 26 April 2023. * Dept of Education requests Sage to expand services for survivors of institutional abuse. * Dept of Health recommences work on deprivation of liberty in places of care.
* Creation of HSE Health Regions * Dept of Health publishes a consultation document on adult safeguarding in the health and social care sectors (provides that service providers must ensure adults at risk have access to advocacy services ). * Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth appoints a Special Advocate for Survivors of Institutional Abuse. * Law Reform Commission report * Regulatory Framework for Adult Safeguarding (April 2024) recommended that the Government should consider introducing a comprehensive statutory framework for social care in Ireland and consider regulation of independent advocacy services. * DoH commences work on legislation to regulate home care providers (provides for service provides to provide details of advocacy services to service users).