Information & Support
Information & Support is the primary point of contact for accessing any of Sage Advocacy’s services.
- You can contact Information & Support:
- 01-5367330
If the issue that you need assistance with is straightforward, we might be able to resolve it over the phone or via email. If it is more complex, we will gather the details in conversation with you in order to give initial guidance and to inform a referral for our representative advocacy service; or, if Sage is not the right service to deal with your particular issue, we will signpost you to where you need to go.
Reasons for calling Information & Support
Older people across Ireland – and the people who are looking out for them – get in touch with Sage Advocacy’s Information and Support service to ask about issues ranging from difficulties with the Nursing Home Support Scheme and housing-related queries, to legal and financial questions, queries in relation to nursing home care, safeguarding issues and applications for decision-making support arrangements under the Assisted Decision-Making Act.
Here is a brief guide to some of the issues that might prompt you to call 01 536 7330

You have questions about how to access the public services or entitlements that you need.

You’re seeking advice about financial management.

You’re facing a legal issue that you’re not sure where to start with.

You have concerns about someone’s safety at home or in a place of care and you need advice on what action to take.

You have questions about care in a nursing home; or about home care; or about changing your living arrangements.

You have questions relating to acute hospital care, or pressures around moving out of hospital.

You want to seek assistance with decision-making and are having trouble getting what you need out of the new decision support arrangements.

You want to learn about the steps you can take to protect your rights as you grow older. We can explain about planning ahead using tools such as Think Ahead to help ensure that your decisions about your life, healthcare and personal affairs are respected, whatever situation you might find yourself in.

You work in a health or social care service and you would like Sage Advocacy to make a presentation to your staff on how the new Assisted Decision-Making laws apply to your work; or about the role of independent advocacy in relation to your service.