Key Documents

Sage Information Leaflet

Download our information leaflet. We are also happy to post our information leaflets out to you, you can request this from

Sage Referral Form

To make a referral to Sage download and complete our referral form and return it to

Consent Forms

Sage works with and on behalf of a person with their consent. Sage uses a Consent Form signed by our client, or their representative, which gives Sage permission to act on their behalf.

Sage uses two types of Consent Forms depending on the specific circumstances of our client:

  • A person can give their consent to Sage by signing the Client Consent Form.
  • In circumstances where a person is unable to give consent for Sage to act on their behalf, Sage may work on a Non-Instructed Advocacy basis where this is necessary.

Sage policies and Guidelines

Sage Advocacy Service Policies & Guidelines includes a general statement of the service – objectives, context, underlying principles and the overall organisational structure. Policies and Guideline documents covering all key aspects of the service are outlined. Sage Advocacy policies and guidelines are drawn from literature and experience. This Resource Pack is informative for Sage Representatives, service delivery partners, funders and members of the public.

Sage Subject Access Request Form

You are entitled to request a copy of all your personal information that Sage Advocacy holds on record. You need to fill in our Subject Access Request Form and return it to the Data Protection Officer at 24-26 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7 or

The Role Of an Independent Advocate

The purpose of this document is to provide clarification on the role of an Independent advocate both generally and in specific contexts for the benefit of clients, family members, all who interact with a person both professionals and non-professionals.  It also aims to set out in more detail the scope of the advocate’s role, providing examples of actions that can and cannot be taken by an advocate.

The Next Stage


Board Manual

Staff Manual